Organizational and costs

Costs and conditions in 2025

The investment for a Retreat is € 2320.- (participants from EU), or CHF 2840.- (participants from Switzerland). Your registration is valid with a deposit of EUR 350. (participants from the EU), or CHF 500.- (participants from Switzerland). Please mention the date of the Retreat on your bank transfer. Young people up to 25 years receive € 250.- / CHF 300.- discount. If you Register and fully pay at least 3 months before the Retreat, you benefit from a discount of 150.- € / 150.- CHF. 
The discounts are not accumulative.

10% of our income goes to the Lineage of the Sweet Medicine.



Bad Belzig: You may choose between shared rooms, 825.50 €; double rooms (only for couples, one large bed), 1059.50.- €, and single rooms, 1189.50 €; prices include 3 vegetarian meals; inclusive tourism tax. All rooms come with shared bath. Please inform yourself directly with the venue about the room cathegory you desire:

Waldsee Community:  Housing with 3 delicious vegetarian meals approx. 1250.- ; Shared rooms, Double rooms and camping upon request. Please communicate after your registration with our organizer which room type you prefer, and our organizer will communicate with you about availability and costs.


Austria Seminarhaus Flackl, 2651 Reichenau/Rax: a comfortable conference house about an hour from Vienna. The house offers double and single rooms with and without private bathroom, as well as the option of putting up a caravan or sleeping in a tent. Prices range between €800 and €1400 depending on the booking category. Upon registration with us, please book your accommodation directly with the venue. You may get an impression here:

Switzerland: we help with great B+B options, in our valley.

Private and solo sessions with us in Switzerland
If you desire to Dearmor on your own and privately just with us, please contact us via email for possibe dates for the 13 sessions. The cost for private Dearmoring is 3600.- CHF.

Costs and conditions in 2026

The investment for a Retreat is € 2420.- (participants from EU), or CHF 2890.- (participants from Switzerland). Your registration is valid with a deposit of EUR 350. (participants from the EU), or CHF 500.- (participants from Switzerland). Please mention the date of the Retreat on your bank transfer. Young people up to 25 years receive € 250.- / CHF 300.- discount. If you Register and fully pay at least 3 months before the Retreat, you benefit from a discount of 150.- € / 150.- CHF. 
The discounts are not accumulative.

10% of our income goes to the Lineage of the Sweet Medicine.

Costs and conditions for accommodation and food will be in the same range as in 2025. We will be able to publish details by the end of 2025

After your registration, you will receive detailed information for your preparation for the Retreat, a confidential questionnaire, a consent form of integrity and a travel description to the location of the Retreat. Please send the remaining Retreat-fee  ahead of time  to the same account as your deposit, or  you may bring the remaining amount cash to the first day of the Retreat. The fee for accommodation must be brought cash on the first day upon check in in Germany, except for The Netherlands, where you transfer the fees for your accommodation ahead of time.  The number of participations is limited, and we consider regisrations in the order we receive them. 

The costs for accommodation and food will be in the same range as in 2025, we will be able to share details by the end of 2025.


You may cancel your participation in the Retreat up to 4 weeks before the beginning of the Retreat. Your deposit will then stay valid for your participation in another Retreat within 2 years; after that, your deposit is no longer valid. You may change your registration one time before your deposit is invalid. If you cancel your participation less than 4 weeks before the beginning of the Retreat, your full fee including accommodation is due, unless you find another suitable participant that takes your place.

We recommend that you purchase an insurance for seminar cancellation.

Life brings sometimes unexpected changes, we recommend that you purchase a Seminar insurance that covers for Seminar and venue fees, for example HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG:

Bank connection from the EU 

Dreamers GmbH
Johannes Schröder and Sabina Tschudi
Glarner Regionalbank GRB
8762 Schwanden /Switzerland
Euro-account-number: 10 511.126.75
IBAN: CH19 0680 748 1 0511 1267 5

Bank connection within Switzerland: 

Dreamers GmbH
Johannes Schröder & Sabina Tschudi
Glarner Regionalbank GRB
8762 Schwanden / Switzerland
CHF account-number: 16 463 085 08
IBAN: CH27 0680 7016 0463 0850 8

Contract and business terms

  • Each participant is responsible for him/herself and for their participation in Body De-Armoring, and declares that he/she does not have any physical or psychological conditions that would be a contra- indication to participate in Body De-Armoring. Body De-Armoring is not a substitute for medical or psychotherapeutic treatments. If in doubt, it is the responsibility of the participant to contact the leaders before registering.
  • Each participant will receive ahead of time a personal questionnaire, which has to be filled in and sent in the latest 14 days before the Retreat to the Conductors  of the Retreat.  These information are confidential and are an integral part of participation. With you registration, you accept the responsibility to send in your questionnaire in time. 
  • Each participant will sign an Integrity and confidentiality  agreement upon arrival, which includes that all information, also all information during the Retreat, as well as any and all data of other participants, are confidential and not to be passed on to third parties.  This legal written agreement will be sent to you upon registration for your review. . Please review this agreement before your pre-payment. With your pre-payment, you accept this agreement.
  • To protect privacy of all participants, photography, video and sound recordings are not permitted in the Retreat.
  • In the Retreats, dignity, respect and integrity with oneself and with one another are of highest priority. If this would not be respected by a participant  inside a Retreat, we reserve the right to exclude this participant from the Retreat.
  • The leaders and organizers of Body De-Armoring, as well as Dreamers GmbH Switzerland are not liable towards the participants nor towards third parties for any psychic or physical damage caused by the event or at the occasion of the event.
  • During an accute bacterial or viral infection, you may not participate in the group.
  • Our Retreats happen within the existing governmental regulations.

With your registration, you agree to these terms and conditions.

If you are unsure whether Body De-Armoring is for you, or if you have a physical or psychological illness, please contact us prior to registering under, so that we can schedule a phone conversation together. Body De-Armoring is not a therapy or a training, but a personal transformational  process.  The participation does not entitle to utilize any aspects of the process afterwards.